- Products
- Rechargeable Flashlights, Rechargeable Headlamps, LED Clip Lights, LED Clamplights
- Headquarters
500 Klein Tools Boulevard
Mansfield, TX 76063
United States
Blackfire is an outdoor gear brand consisting of products created by a group of product development wizards at Klein Tools. This specialized team has spent as much time in the great outdoors as they do on the jobsite to develop the addiction for outdoor-related products and tools. Concerned with the lack of quality with current outdoor products on the market, our team looked toward the strengths of their own jobsite accessories and brought them along for the journey. We quickly realized the advantages of our durable and reliable gear, as we are very tough when it comes to using them in the outdoor elements. We knew the products could withstand the rigors of the jobsite, but recognized that they needed to be adapted to the needs of the outdoorsmen vs the tradesmen. Thus, one dark night, while sitting around the campfire, the idea behind the brand was created. That idea was the essence of the Blackfire product line!
Blackfire is affiliated with and harnesses the product development expertise of Klein Tools. Klein Tools is an iconic brand with over 163 years of experience in hand tools and jobsite accessories, still manufacturing tools and equipment in the USA today! You can be assured that Blackfire stands behind every product as it is rigorously tested and made with the highest standards and at the same level as our parent company.
Blackfire is a USA based brand, headquartered in Texas. Our team consists of designers, engineers, product managers, and customer support specialists with a knack for products and a passion for the outdoors. We are campers, fishermen, hikers, runners, off-roaders, boaters, hunters, and explorers just like you.
We gathered our team, did some testing…. a lot of testing, listened to our customers, and developed essential products for people who enjoy the outdoors. We have crafted customized product lines that bring the things we take for granted everyday into action to develop off-the-grid products. We are focused on the necessities like power, lighting, staying cool, music, and tools, as they are the backbone for any trip.
We knew the products could withstand the rigors of the jobsite, but recognized that they needed to be adapted to the needs of the outdoorsmen vs the tradesmen. Thus, one dark night, while sitting around the campfire, the idea behind the brand was created. That idea was the essence of the Blackfire product line!
Blackfire is affiliated with and harnesses the product development expertise of Klein Tools. Klein Tools is an iconic brand with over 163 years of experience in hand tools and jobsite accessories, still manufacturing tools and equipment in the USA today! You can be assured that Blackfire stands behind every product as it is rigorously tested and made with the highest standards and at the same level as our parent company.
Blackfire is a USA based brand, headquartered in Texas. Our team consists of designers, engineers, product managers, and customer support specialists with a knack for products and a passion for the outdoors. We are campers, fishermen, hikers, runners, off-roaders, boaters, hunters, and explorers just like you.
We gathered our team, did some testing…. a lot of testing, listened to our customers, and developed essential products for people who enjoy the outdoors. We have crafted customized product lines that bring the things we take for granted everyday into action to develop off-the-grid products. We are focused on the necessities like power, lighting, staying cool, music, and tools, as they are the backbone for any trip.
We knew the products could withstand the rigors of the jobsite, but recognized that they needed to be adapted to the needs of the outdoorsmen vs the tradesmen. Thus, one dark night, while sitting around the campfire, the idea behind the brand was created. That idea was the essence of the Blackfire product line!
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