Lighting Equipment for Film and Video Production, LED Monolights, Ellipsoidal Spotlights, Live Streaming Lights, Photography Light Wands
Zhanglin Section, 324 Highway, Dongli Chenghai
Shantou, Guangdong
Parent company
Guangdong Nanguang Photo & Video Systems Co., Ltd.
The way we capture images is evolving. It’s making content creation more approachable and diverse than it’s ever been before. Projects that could only be accomplished by large studios and huge budgets are now in reach of anyone with a dream and the dedication to chase it. It’s time for lighting to redefine itself and evolve as well. With this in mind, Guangdong Nanguang Photo & Video Systems Co., Ltd., a company passionately dedicated to the lighting industry for 31 years, has started a new brand — Nanlite.

At Nanlite we strive to design lighting products that provide image makers with new possibilities and push them to expand their creative horizons as we vow to expand ours as well. We listen to customer feedback, focus on design details, and optimize the user experience of our products. We stand behind all of our products and provide the best technical support available to help you accomplish your vision effortlessly.

Our long term history has taught us how to carefully select our materials, continually improve our manufacturing processes, and maintain strict quality control on all of our products. We hold ourselves to the highest standards in manufacturing and design in hopes that the lights we produce will ignite new ideas for image making.

Our clients are spread throughout the international market. We have developed thriving relationships with hundreds of dealers around the world with more qualified and trusted dealers coming on board every year. We hope that with our lighting a creator's only limitation will be their imagination.
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Latest updates

  1. Nanlite Introduces the FC-120C Full-Color LED Spotlight

    The Nanlite FC-120C is a surprisingly compact and lightweight LED spotlight that provides full...
  2. Nanlite Introduces the PavoSlim 240CL, a 4×1 LED Full Color Panel Light

    The new PavoSlim 240CL is a slim, robust, lightweight, and easy-to-install LED panel that offers...
  3. Nanlite Introduces FS-300C Full Color LED Spotlight

    Introducing the FS-300C full color LED spotlight - a powerful cutting-edge new light that brings...
  4. Nanlite Introduces FC-60B & FC-120B Bi-color Spotlights

    Introducing two new members to the FC family: the compact and bi-color spotlights FC-60B and...
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