A camping lantern is a portable area light that provides omnidirectional or flood lighting to illuminate an outdoor environment. This battery-operated light is designed to be easily carried around wherever you need light, whether camping, fishing, boating, climbing, to use as a patio light, or to have on hand in emergencies. Hands-free capability is a signature feature of camping lanterns. Put the lantern on the table, hang it in a tent on a tree branch, or even attach it to any metal surface with the built-in magnet. LED technology revolutionized artificial lighting and drives continuous advances in performance and reliability. Switching to LED lighting not only delivers radical improvements in efficiency, lifespan and functionality over legacy products, but also brings a whole new world of design possibilities. The technology allows camping lanterns to produce considerably more lumens, operate for a much longer period of time on a single battery discharge, offer significantly improved robustness and usability, and deliver the luxury of sophistication and convenience.