Vehicle headlights illuminate the road ahead to provide a clear field of vision to the operator of the vehicle at night or under poor visibility conditions, while informing other road users of the presence of the vehicle. Automotive headlights are generally configured to switch an illumination mode between a low beam and a high beam. A low beam, which is also known as a dipped beam, passing beam or meeting beam, illuminates the road ahead for a distance of just 50 to 80 meters, with a slightly downward light distribution so that minimal glare is given to oncoming vehicles or preceding vehicles. A high beam, otherwise known as a main beam, driving beam or full beam, casts long-range light ahead of the vehicle to clearly illuminate objects on the roadway for a greater distance. Its light distribution pattern gives priority to ensuring a field of view for the driver and considers less on the discomfort, distraction, or glare of the high beam to other road users.
Full-featured LED headlights are integrated systems that incorporate various LED modules with each having distinctive functionalities. A matrix LED headlight has a high beam light module that comprises a matrix of individually addressable, dynamically controllable LED pixels. Each LED pixel is optically controlled to provide a light distribution that corresponds to a segment in the high beam field of view (FOV). The matrix beam or pixel light can generate independent shadow corridors to prevent illumination of zones that would affect vehicles coming from the opposite direction or vehicles travelling in front while continuing to cast the high beam with full power on all other zones between and beside them to retain a large FOV. Once there’re no other vehicles in the visual field, the system reverts to full high beam lighting.