An outdoor security light is a security element designed to create a perception of a reasonably secure environment, perform as a visual deterrent to discourage unauthorized entry, facilitate the detection of intruder motion, and make other security elements more effective during hours of darkness. When security is an issue, lighting often deserves consideration and integration into a security plan because it defines the security zone in a dark environment and can perform any or all of the following functions: enhancing observation, reducing shadows that could offer concealment, psychologically deterring intruder ingress, and heightening the effectiveness of video surveillance camera systems.
The use of security lights is the cost-effective way to add an extra layer of protection and safety to residential, commercial, industrial and institutional environments such as single-family and duplex residences, retail complexes, office buildings, hotels, restaurants, art galleries, museums, warehouses, and banks. Outdoor security lights are installed to illuminate primary points of entry to a building and the areas around these entrances. They are mounted on walls and under building eaves to illuminate doorways, garage entrances, building perimeters and vulnerable access points.