Runway lighting is used to guide the takeoff and landing of the aircraft during nighttime and low visibility conditions. All runways licensed for night use are provided edge, threshold and end lighting which defines the extent of the runway. Runway lighting is classified into three types of systems according to the intensity of light and level of control: high intensity runway lights (HIRL), medium intensity runway lights (MIRL), and low intensity runway lights (LIRL). HIRL is generally installed on runways operating
under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and for runways utilizing Runway Visual Range (RVR). If a precision approach should be maintained in adverse weather conditions or in good visibility conditions where extraneous lighting around the airport could be disruptive to a pilot, the combined use of high intensity runway lights and an approach lighting system is recommended. MIRL is a three-stage intensity system generally installed on visual or non-precision instrument runways with the lights spaced at 60 m apart. LIRL is installed on visual runways in small airports.