An ellipsoidal reflector spotlight (ERS) is a focusable luminaire capable of producing a narrow beam with hard edges. This is the most common instrument in use for highlighting certain areas of the stage, typically where the main action takes place. All ERS fixtures make use of lenses to produce highly controlled beams of light and incorporate shutters to shape the beam of light. The ability to create very crisp beams for a great visual impact with the absence of spill light and to accept slide-in gobos for pattern projection makes this fixture particularly useful to the stage lighting designer.
Typically utilized in front-of-house positions (on the auditorium side of the proscenium), the ellipsoidal spotlight is usually the fixture of choice for accentuating features and specials. The accent light creates a focal pool of light that draws the audience’s attention to a performer or creates a visual interest. In America, an ERS is often referred to as a Leko, which is the brand name of a fixture created by Strand Lighting. In the U.K. the ERS is also called a profile spot because the beam can be shaped to the profile of an object.