Emergency vehicle warning lights are used to attract the attention of other road users to the presence or approaching of an emergency vehicle, thereby conveying to them the urgent nature of a response, providing warning of a hazard when stationary, or in the case of law enforcement, signaling a civilian driver to pull over. Warning lights are most prominently found on police vehicles, fire service vehicles, ambulances, and other special-purpose vehicles which are publicly owned and operated by or for a government agency to protect and preserve life and property in line with government or state laws regulating emergency vehicles. Warning lights may also be permitted or required to be installed on authorized service vehicles such as highway or traffic maintenance vehicles, public utility vehicles, pilot/escort vehicles, tow trucks, or other vehicles having a public service function. Other vehicles may apply for the permission of using warning lights in special situations. These vehicles include agricultural machines and tractors intended to be used on a highway at night and vehicles which perform most of their activities on a hazardous site.