Human centric lighting (HCL) is the science of composing light recipes that dynamically anchor human circadian rhythms to the 24-hour external environment cycle to support health, well-being and performance while addressing the visual needs to see, perceive and interact with the surrounding environment. Light is a fundamental part of life. The axial rotation of the earth delivers the natural sequence of day and night. From dawn to dusk, the moving sun creates progressive variations in color and intensity. During the night, our ancestors relied on moonlight, starlight and firelight to spend the evening. Under the influence of the ebb and flow of daylight and darkness humans developed the circadian system that has been genetically entrained to the 24-hour light/dark cycle and keeps track of the subtle changes in environmental light. The 24-hour rhythm of the ambient changes does not just impact the visual system, it also has a profound effect on a multitude of neuroendocrine and neurobehavioral responses.
Human centric lighting is designed to bring the dynamics of outdoor ambiance into indoor environments. It simulates the changing spectrum and intensity of natural light to provide the drama and variety that facilitate circadian entrainment, enhance visual performance and create an immersive experience. Through integration of four dynamically controllable light characteristics—intensity, color, timing and duration, human circadian rhythms are kept in synchrony with the daily rhythms in its external environment in the absence of external cues. HCL supports long-term health and wellness by driving fundamental aspects of molecular and physiological function in the brain and body to strengthen the immune system, support cell regeneration and energy metabolism, stimulate circadian clock gene expression, and maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle. It may also be used to exert immediate influence for enhanced performance, productivity, and environmental comfort.