An industrial-grade high bay light is a heavy duty lighting system designed and constructed to thrive in the most demanding installations. Industrial lighting is often made challenging by the presence of moisture, dirt, dust, corrosive atmosphere, extreme temperatures, dirty power, and vibration. These operating conditions can be found in a variety of industrial and manufacturing facilities, which include automotive assembly plants, steel mills and foundries, aerospace manufacturing and rework facilities, machine tool buildings, casting and welding facilities, pulp and paper plants, chemical manufacturing and processing plants, grain handling facilities, food processing plants, paint and rubber manufacturing facilities, shipbuilding and repair plants, and power generation plants. The hostile environment places high demands on the ruggedness and reliability of light fixtures. An outstanding lighting solution can make an important contribution to the success of an industrial facility. Industrial applications call for the use of lighting systems that are powerful, efficient, and failure-free. Safety concerns, poor reliability of operation, low LAEs, poor controllability, and high maintenance costs of traditional lighting systems are driving a trend toward the use of LED luminaires.