Interact IoT

IoT Platform Interact IoT

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IoT Platform Interact IoT

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Interact IoT - Enables connected LED lighting systems and embedded sensor networks to deliver insights.

Interact is a secure, scalable IoT platform developed by Signify that collects insights from connected LED lighting, embedded sensors and IoT devices over an IoT-ready connected lighting system. A specifically designed portfolio of tailor-made software applications s brings together connected lighting systems, and the data those systems collect, with your intelligent building, smart city, and other Internet of Things solutions.

Interact collects and shares data back and forth between...

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Industry Updates

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Interact IoT has a new update entry:

Harness the Power of Environmental Monitoring and Space Management with Interact Space Analysis

Our Interact connected lighting system just got smarter. Interact Space analysis combines environmental and people sensors to help property managers gather deep insights on how their space is utilized. These data points can be used to reduce costs for unused space and adjust working conditions for optimal employee well-being and productivity.
  • Interact Space analysis enables building owners to analyze their space, environmental conditions, and occupancy more effectively
  • Two new...

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Interact connected lighting systems from Signify offer a quick path toward sustainability for busineses and cities. With Interact, illuminated spaces become more energy-efficient so that you can make progress on your decarbonization efforts. Spaces become more responsive, with lighting that helps people find their way and helps to predict when system maintenance may be necessary. Spaces become more transparent, with sensor data on the multiple aspects of the lit environment. Spaces become more comforting, with circadian lighting experiences that support productivity, relaxation, and well-being. Interact scene management makes illuminated spaces more flexible, beautiful, and affordable. Do good for people, the environment, and the planet with Interact connected lighting. Interact systems use cloud-based software, connected luminaires, and multisensors to manage your lighting efficiently, gather data from the system and lit environment, and deliver valuable and actionable insights. Best-in-class lighting experiences and data-enabled apps enhance the safety, productivity, and well-being of people in illuminated spaces, while data-rich visualizations and analytics offer the intelligence you need to make your enterprise smarter and more sustainable.
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