An LED filament bulb is a vintage-style light bulb that uses linear LED filaments as the light emitting elements to replicate the nostalgic look and feel of incandescent lamps while delivering significant energy savings over a much longer operational life. The history of electric lighting has been a continuous evolution punctuated by a series of thrilling innovations. Ever since Thomas Edison invented the incandescent lamp, our relationship to the physical universe during the absence of sunlight has been inspired by electric light. Incandescent lamps had been the standard for more than a century. These light bulbs emit light by dissipating heat in a resistive filament which produces visible light at the point of incandescence. The warm ambiance as a result of thermal radiation and the classic look of sparkling filaments in shimmering glass bulbs have become the staple elements of electric lighting. Even it’s now a technology of the past, the enduring charm of incandescent lighting remains treasured and will survive into the future.