Track lighting has been a staple of art gallery and museum lighting because it can adjust to a multitude of changes while helping lighting designers to create compelling and beautiful compositions. A museum or art gallery is a place to discover, explore and learn. Lighting is a form of visual communication between the exhibit and visitor. It plays a vital role in bringing out the character of art, artefacts, sculpture and other exhibits of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance. A visit to most museums would reveal the popularity of track lighting which provides highly controllable beams of light to create an engaging environment and make artworks the center of attention. Museum lighting itself is a complex work of art, and track lighting can be used as a creative tool to help people explore inspiring worlds of culture and history, wonders and fascinations, and insights and discoveries.
Successful museum lighting design is a strategic blend of light distribution, aiming angle, color, and intensity. The museum environment is one of the ever-changing environments that demand a highly flexible and dynamic lighting solution. Museum lighting must offer the flexibility of changing the installation of luminaires as displays change, and the ability to stand up to repeated installations and re-positioning. These requirements, in conjunction with the need for flexibility of focus and beam manipulation, make track lighting the method of choice in the museum world. The rotation and tilt adjustability and the ability to be moved along the track as desired allow track luminaires to aim at the optimum angle of incidence and highlight the best attributes of displayed objects.