UV Disinfection Lighting Equipment
146 Barr street, Montreal
QC H4T 1Y4
Founded in 1995, the mission of Sanuvox Technologies is to design and manufacture air and surface purification units that replicate the natural principles of air purification by ultraviolet radiation from the sun in the Earth's upper atmosphere.

Sanuvox Technologies Inc. is a global leader in UVGI treatment providing advanced HVAC in-duct & stand-alone UV air, surface and odor disinfection systems. Sanuvox manufactures UV Systems for medical, commercial, residential, agricultural, food, cannabis, industrial & military applications.

UV-C is the only air cleaning technology to be recommended by ASHRAE, strong evidence of efficacy and safety. Our systems, both integrated and stand-alone, are used worldwide in residential, commercial, institutional and medical facilities. They are the most efficient air purification systems on the market.

Sanuvox UV Systems have been tested by government agencies, laboratories and universities which include RTI, US EPA and National Homeland Security, Penn State University and McGill University.

Our continuous investments in research and development, and our desire to bring the latest technologies to market, have made it possible to create a range of residential and commercial air purification systems and coils that are unmatched by our competitors.

Sanuvox is a member of NCIA - National Cannabis Industry Association and the only International Air Disinfection company with the Green Clean Certification.

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