SLD Technology

SLD Technology

SLD Technology, a leading manufacturer of fully integrated operaঞ ng room ceiling systems, is pleased to announce the promoঞ on of Adam Stokey to Vice President of Sales. In this role, Adam will oversee the company’s sales strategy and drive conঞ nued growth in the healthcare sector.

Adam brings over 16 years of healthcare experience and more than 24 years of sales experঞ se to his new posiঞ on. Since joining SLD Technology, he has played a key role in expanding the company’s market presence and fostering strong client relaঞ onships. His leadership and deep industry knowledge have been instrumental in the company’s success, and his promoঞ on refl ects SLD Technology’s commitment to excellence and innovaঞ on in healthcare environments.

“We are excited to see Adam take on this new leadership role,” said Kevin Schreiber, President of SLD Technology. “His wealth of experience and passion for delivering excepঞ onal soluঞ ons make him the perfect fi t to lead our sales team. We are confi dent that Adam will conঞ nue to drive growth and success for SLD Technology.”

As Vice President of Sales, Adam will focus on strengthening partnerships, enhancing customer soluঞ ons, and supporঞ ng the company’s mission to provide cuম ng-edge operaঞ ng room ceiling systems designed for effi ciency, safety, and performance.
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