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GigaTera Lighting - High power LED lighting solution provider (sports, harbor, and industrial). Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
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If you are a customer or client having positive or negative experiences with GigaTera Lighting, or one of those having various forms of relations with this company, get your voice heard here by the company or those who share a common interest. If you want to establish partnership with them or are interested in their products but need more information to make a decision, ask around here to harness the power of community. You may also check out the company profile of GigaTera Lighting to learn about their products and services, review and rate them, read their reviews and view their ratings.
If you are a staff member of GigaTera Lighting, jump into the conversation and create positive interactions with your audience to drive business growth. This thread is also your place to introduce your products and services. It is part of the information kit of your company or brand. You may provide supplemental information here to endorse other modules (product listings, company updates, customer reviews) of the information kit. Company updates, which keep people about what your company is up to, will show up in this thread as well.
GigaTera Lighting - High power LED lighting solution provider (sports, harbor, and industrial). Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
GigaTera is a world-class Total Lighting Solution provider with high power LED lighting (sports, harbor, and industrial). Our proprietary “Narrow Multi-Beam Forming” application is leading the market with cutting-edge manufacturing technology with the highest efficiency, reliability and most competitive price. Giga, stands for the frequency range in wireless telecommunications, Tera, stands for the frequency range in LED lighting. GigaTera pursues a unique and state-of-the-art IT converged...
Read more about GigaTera Lighting...
If you are a customer or client having positive or negative experiences with GigaTera Lighting, or one of those having various forms of relations with this company, get your voice heard here by the company or those who share a common interest. If you want to establish partnership with them or are interested in their products but need more information to make a decision, ask around here to harness the power of community. You may also check out the company profile of GigaTera Lighting to learn about their products and services, review and rate them, read their reviews and view their ratings.
If you are a staff member of GigaTera Lighting, jump into the conversation and create positive interactions with your audience to drive business growth. This thread is also your place to introduce your products and services. It is part of the information kit of your company or brand. You may provide supplemental information here to endorse other modules (product listings, company updates, customer reviews) of the information kit. Company updates, which keep people about what your company is up to, will show up in this thread as well.