Milesight IoT

IoT Company Milesight IoT

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IoT Company Milesight IoT

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Milesight IoT - Provides LoRaWAN sensors, LoRaWAN gateways and 4G/5G industrial routers. Xiamen, China.

Founded in 2011, Milesight is a fast-growing AIoT solution provider committed to offering the value-added services and cutting-edge technologies. Based on video surveillance, Milesight expands its value proposition into IoT and communications industries, featuring Internet of Things communication, and artificial intelligence technologies as its core. Through a worldwide network of distributors and system integrators in over 120 countries and regions, Milesight disseminates its products and...

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Industry Updates

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Milesight IoT has a new update entry:

Milesight IoT Introduces the VS133 AI ToF People Counting Sensor

Unleash the power of actionable insights beyond people counting with our revolutionary sensor. Its dual technologies, including an onboard AI algorithm and 2nd generation ToF technology, deliver superior performance and unmatched accuracy of up to 99.8%. Based on the favorable ToF (Time of Flight) technology which features high accuracy and anonymous protection, the sensor revolutionarily adapts the upgraded technology with stronger performances, higher precision, and better scenario...

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