ZigBee lighting controls are systems, modules and devices that implement the ZigBee wireless communication protocol and act on the communicated information to operate the connected luminaires or lamps. At the most basic level, smart lighting is all about connectivity. ZigBee lighting controls transform lights into smart devices that can be remotely controlled, communicate with each other, and interact with other smart systems and networks via the Internet. With ZigBee network connectivity, intelligent lighting systems based on LED technology are able to participate in the Internet of Things (IoT). The intersection of IoT and LED lighting takes smart lighting to a new level and opens up a whole new world of possibilities. A Zigbee control solution is carried out through a combination of dedicated hardware and software. The hardware consists of a Zigbee radio and associated processor which may be integrated together in a single chip or mounted separately. The software is an application run on top of a Zigbee stack.